Ledford Downs 

Road Maintenance Association

The Ledford Downs Road Maintenance Association (LDRMA) is a 501(c)4 non-profit association established for the purpose of collecting funds for and overseeing the maintenance of the Ledford Downs neighborhood's private roads in Thomasville, NC.

What We Do

The Ledford Downs Road Maintenance Association (LDRMA) was created in 2021 to pave and maintain the roads throughout Ledford Downs.  We have made great progress in paving, patching, and repairing the worst areas of our roads.  The LDRMA continues to collect funds for future road maintenance needed. Membership is voluntary, and over 50% of our neighbors are currently members. 

Keeping our roads in good condition increases the value of our homes, makes the neighborhood more attractive to potential buyers, increases the safety for our children and pets, and reduces the wear and tear on vehicles. We encourage you to think about our roads as part of your home maintenance investment.

Membership in the LDRMA requires a minimum donation of $120/year. If all homes participated, it would allow us to pave a section of road approximately every 5 years.  We would love 100% participation from our neighbors, and donations of any amount are welcome!  If you are willing to contribute, please let us know your intentions to help us plan. Please reach out with any questions to ledforddownsroads@gmail.com

Before and After Photos

Beech Ridge Before Paving

Beech Ridge After Paving

White Oak Before Paving

White Oak After Paving